Our most popular product is the Alphonso Mango Preserve. One of our seasonal flavours, this Mango Jam is full of aromatic flavour and the main reason for this is the choice of the mango that we use.

The Alphonso Mango is rightfully known as the "King of Mangoes". Grown in India, it is only available for a short 6 week season every year (around May), and you can generally only find them if you have an Indian shop close to you or buy online from a specialist Indian fruit seller.
Why are they known as the "King of Mangoes"? It's because they are beautifully sweet and aromatic, with the fullest flavour of all the mango varieties. They're orange in colour and much juicier too. Imagine a cross between a peach, nectarine, apricot and melon with notes of honey and citrus, but even better!
We make our Alphonso Mango Preserve by taking the fresh Alphonso Mangoes when they are in season, and then cooking them with sugar and fresh lemon juice for as short a time as possible. Once they're jarred then the fresh Alphonso flavour is preserved for years... but most people can't keep them that long without digging in! We make what we can whilst the mangoes are in season, but once we've sold out that's it for another year. So if you are a fan then do make sure you stock up whilst you can!
I've put together this little video to show you the difference between the Alphonso Mango and your typical supermarket mango. If you can't get hold of any fresh Alphonso Mangoes while they're in season then our Alphonso Mango Preserve is definitely the next best thing! You can buy it on our website here.
Much jam love,